Source Filmmaker in Black Mesa?

I know I’d love to make a Black Mesa trailer with SFM, but only when I’m sure that I can’t contribute to any area of development - certainly don’t want to hold up release for that sake.
Of course, I feel like getting everything working there would require a lot of copying/pasting assets into the right directories, and then figuring out why X isn’t working…

Maybe my trailer will just be the Heavy calling the Scout over and saying “Look! Black Mesa is released!” in poor sentence-mixing.

“Look! Bla-ckkkkk Maaaayss-HAH! is…OUT!” :wink:

If you guys wanted to do a trailer for the game, the easiest way to do it would be with a combination of actual game play demo recording, demo smoothing, and putting point_viewcontrols in maps to watch certain scenes, with env_zoom to zoom the camera and a path_track to control the panning speed and direction. I’ve rigged up cameras to look like handheld footage for my mod this way, it’s not all that hard to do :slight_smile:

SFM in BMS huh?I can already see the grey idling playermodel in a trailer :o.

[COLOR=‘SlateGray’]grey player model idling in a trailer? That’s the spirit to make a new trailer with a COLOR='Black’release date for black mesa!

No, really. SFM source engine is more advanced than most of the mods source engines, I doubt we will see a hl2 mod vid done in SFM in a looooong while unless it becomes compatible

Well, SFM is now free to download for everyone. I am downloading it now and will play with it more after I wake up.

Time for sleep for now, though. :slight_smile:

Well the source filmmaker is like 5gb, because it supports from the 2005 to the 2010 source engine maps ressources etc. I’ve loaded a zombie panic source maps, and models which are with the 2007 engine and i’ve got no bugs or anything. Also source filmmaker have good depth of field and motion blur and even ambient occlusion, and it have advanced motion editor so that will be nice to do a trailer or even a teaser with it!

Is it possible to play choreographed events that were made for the game in the app?

NPCs and triggers don’t appear to work in it from what I’ve tried, but you can spawn models and load their animations (or even other NPCs animations - it’s fun making zombie move like a combine soldier).

lucky you, pettifogg. I only have a black screen. All the time

That sucks. Mine comes up with a Window saying “YOUR GRAPHICS CARD DOES NOT SUPPORT!!!1”, but I just click continue and it works fine. Although I haven’t done anything much in it other than screwing around.

Source filmmaker can be used for anything running Source.
As long as the maps have HDR and no other minor code errors, it should go smooth. If you want Gordon Freeman you’d have to download the model for him off gamebanana or

Well, a few parts need to:

Founded in 2004, became one of the first online communities dedicated to Valve’s Source engine development. It is more famously known for the formation of Black Mesa: Source under the 'Leakfree Modification Team' handle in September 2004.