Song Scavenger Hunt

Okay, so there is this song playing in my head, which I KNOW I have heard before, but I cannot for the life of me find it anywhere, so I am turning to you guys for help (and also a hand if you guys have any music in your head you can’t identify)

The lyrics that I remember(whether correctly or incorrectly) are something like this:

“It’s an illusion, whoa an illusion, like the sta(aaaaaaaa)rs in the sky tonight”

It sounds vaguely country iirc, but I cannot find anything even remotely like it on google, which leads me to believe I’m remembering some part of it wrong.

Anyone here know what song this might be? Anyone else have a song they can’t find but know exists somewhere?

Oh god I’ve had one of these recurring for over a year. I found it entirely by accident, through Wikipedia of all places, listened to it, enjoyed it, and then thoroughly forgot what it was called.
It doesn’t help that it’s a Japanese song from, like, the 50s or 60s, making the lyrics impossible for me to remember as well, since I only speak English with any degree of fluency.
I do recall that it was localized to the US with a different name and set of lyrics. The original lyrics had something to do with rain.
I can remember the melody fairly clearly, though. Which makes it all the more infuriating that I can’t recall anything else about it.

EDIT: Less than a minute after posting it I did another search and I found it almost instantly.

Best of luck finding your song, (rot), and everyone else who posts in the future.

That’s pretty catchy, I’m afraid the only way I’m gonna find my song is if I write it and wait for someone to call copyright infringement. It’s been in my head for years and I’ve never been able to find it

What’s the voice type of the singer? Man? Woman? Tenor? Baritone?

Oh hey that would be good to add, I’m remembering it as a man, the best way to describe is a generic, middle aged country type voice but it was a long time ago when I heard it, so I could have most of that wrong

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