So I’m quite new to the forums but I’ve been following Black Mesa for years. To be more specific, I saw the project 6 years ago, thought it was cool and moved on with my life.
Now that it has been released on Steam, no matter how bad I am or was on Half Life series in general I still love playing it. I feel like my money was well spent, and I spent them specifically to support the developers and not just to buy the game.
So why am I directing my feedback to BM M?
Well, because it has a lot of potential. Think of CS:GO.
I know there’s a lot of people coming here with the same idea in mind, but I feel like it’s easy to direct feedback to Dev’s on these forums.
So what am I talking about? First of all, my general gameplay feedback on multiplayer, and on the second part will be some feature requests.
The first thing that I found awkward was the menu, it’s not related to BM M but when you go to change video settings in the middle of the game it tends to glitch out, not being able to press the buttons you need to press Esc twice.
Having to rejoin the game to change some graphical settings is also something I’m not used to, as in CS:GO when I normally change those same settings (graphics quality) I don’t have to leave the server.
But these things are in somewhat different boundary of fixing whats necessary and whats not, obviously the bug should be squashed but it’s just a minor distraction having to rejoin most of the time.
The next thing that I found pretty weird was finding weapons in multiplayer. Now, as stupid as it may sound I’ve never been or am an hardcore HL M player. In fact, I suck (I don’t even know the spawns). But one thing that I do remember is that the weapons in original Half Life were VERY visible from long distance, they were bulky bold weapons.
In BM M I’ve had struggle finding a revolver (again, I’m a noob, don’t hate me, just pointing out). I generally play on a decent resolution, my eyesight is also fine, but from time to time when taking the games pace into consideration, I don’t have time to stare at the ground looking for a weapon. Finding darker guns in dark environments is an big issue, so one of the ways to resolve that would be to actually make them highlighted when close to them or aiming at them.
I know some hardcore players will be OUTRAGED by that. We won’t want “noobification” of the game, but I think that the gameplay shouldn’t be cluttered by graphics being a distraction (although I appreciate them), even if it’s foliage (which is quite abundant).
Longjumps for everybody! Cant hate it, right? Nuuh, it’s very bad. I can bail out of situations very easily even upon spawn just because I already have a LJ module. Everybody has one, so although it makes things more fast paced the LJ module doesn’t feel rewarded.
I don’t care if it even takes to add killstreaks to the game to get the LJ module, but as long as it’s a spawned entity or not obtainable to everybody upon spawn I’ll be fine.
I don’t know what others think about that, but in HL M I had to go through egon and gauss gun lava just to get that one silly LJ module.
The pistol was awkward (or glock, as you may call it), it really was. It felt like secondary fire was way too inaccurate while the primary fire was way too slow. I’m not saying buff the pistol, but primary fire is nearly useless in such a fast paced game. Maybe switching RMB to LMB would help?
Here’s some of my feature requests, besides the feedback. Interpret my feedback as you may, I may be wrong on some things but that’s just my feedback from noob’s POV.
One thing that I would like to request is some sort of matchmaking. Ridiculous, right? But that’s one of the ways to help the game grow, as well as invite new players to the game a bit more engagingly. ALA CS:GO!
I think that griefers, trolls and cheaters would be inevitable, but it would have it’s upside. BM M truly is a game that could have a competitive scene (again, I might be retarded here but I would watch BM competitive matches over CS:GO any day).
Also, I think it would be really awesome if we could change our characters color (Hev suit, pants). Some sort of customization to make the game a bit more interactive would be cool.
So that’s about it! Take it easy on me guys, and have a respectful discussion. Feel free to disagree and counterpoint my feedback, correct me!
P.S - Are jihad suicide grenade bombers a feature or just something overlooked? I can easily LJ/bhop to an enemy with a premature grenade getting a few kills along a suicide.