Some new attacks for the Nihilanth?

I, uh… What?
If I understand you post correctly… Which is doubtful… then you’re thinking of enemies. There won’t be any new enemies in BM. They’re okay with adding entertainment to a boring boss-battle, I think.

I think you understand wrong there are some guys who come with ideas about new enemies new weapons other than those seen in Half Life read the first post and after you can comment

Whoa, them’s fightin’ woids.
If it’s flames you want, I’ll be happy to supply them in large amounts. However, I suggest you try to understand my posts before hurling your pointy, pointy words at me, deal?

I get what you’re saying man, people are suggesting new ideas. But I assure you, I had read this thread from the beginning and there is no mention of new enemies or new weapons in this thread. The only things posted were ideas which are acceptable, if not reasonable. I’m not debating whether or not they were good ideas, and on that point your correction is a fair one. But they haven’t suggested anything which is a breakage to the FAQ. So cool your jets, take a Valium, then try posting again, but with less fail this time around.

However, it is unreasonable to argue on the internet with someone who clearly has an unsure grasp of the English language, so let’s be on our way with big smiles, shall we?

I’m pretty sure he’s saying that there wont be any new enemies, weapons, and enemies wont have new attacks in Black Mesa.

EDIT: You kinda ninja’d me with that last post of yours.

In general I’d say you’re right, but in this case (xen chapter, final boss, boring mechanics) I think an exception is welcome

I’d like to get the location of that story.
As for Nihilanth, maybe it could spur people into pro-choice/pro-life debates?

What I personally hated about the Nihilanth fight was that there was no music, maby it was just a bug, but it really ruined the mood for me.

No lie- thanks to one of the Quake games being installed on my Steam account, I had HL1 playing Queen music. o_o

Was Don’t stop me now the one at the Boss battle?
Or maybe the First encounter with the grunts topside was The Invisible man?

Actually, in all seriousness, “Don’t Stop Me Now” played when I got the HEV suit… :stuck_out_tongue:

Win. I’m putting this conversation in my quote collection. :awesome:

Not positive, but I think it says in Raising the Bar that they left music out of the fight on purpose so that the fight would be not so action-ie and more eerie.

I think when you spawn it could be more cinimatic. Instead of him turning and goin “freeemuuun…”, make him go “FREEEEMAAAAN…” much louder, making the screen shake. But I agree, give him more attacks than just the simple two.

1: it wasn’t a bug at all. It was meant to be quiet.
2: That’s what made the mood for me.

When I first heard the music with the Gonarch it was instinctively like “ok, boss-fight time, shoot it till it dies.” Not to say it wasn’t a good fight of course. Then the music ends on an abrupt note right in the middle of the first stage of the fight it made me wonder why they bothered in the first place.

With the Nihilanth, it took me a good deal of time to figure out how to beat it. I kept getting teleported, it kept healing when I wasn’t looking, yadda yadda yadda. If the music was only going to last a small fraction of the fight, it would just be silly. If it was going to loop constantly, it would get annoying as hell unless done perfectly, but with the silence my low health and anticipation, the sound of just the weapons echoing and the Nihilanth talking it had me more on edge than any music I could think of.

I seem to remember music there, but it was very subtle, and half sounded like the Nililith himself vocalizing. It faded out, and by the time it did, you were supposed to be too involved in the battle to notice it was gone.

How about if “Born to be Wild” by Steppenwolf plays in the background?

Nah there was definitely no music. I agree though, it would make the battle so much more interesting. There’s music for fighting gonarch so why not music for fighting the last boss?

Objection! Asked and answered. :stuck_out_tongue:

I never listen to music when playing a shooter, so I wouldn’t even know or care if they left it out from that battle :stuck_out_tongue:

Same thing happened to me except without Quake being installed. I turned the corner in Surface Tension where all the vortigaunts spawn in front of the
.50 cal and you have the first bounce pad, and War Pigs started playing for no reason. Thing is, it suited the game quite nicely.

I think something playing whilst fighting the Nihilanth would be suitable, but very quiet, unsettling ambient music. The problem, as mentioned before, with a noticeable score when fighting the Nihilanth is that it can take a very long time to defeat it. And it’s awkward when music fades away before the climax or reaches the climax and you’re still left fighting it. The Xen levels were full of excellent ambient sounds that made it feel otherworldly.

Founded in 2004, became one of the first online communities dedicated to Valve’s Source engine development. It is more famously known for the formation of Black Mesa: Source under the 'Leakfree Modification Team' handle in September 2004.