I know it’s been mentioned in various ways, but I have to vent this. I’m getting tired of soldiers in Black Mesa who seem to have aim bots.
I’m on Surface Tension about to enter the military base (after the cliff section) and the aim and detection abilities of soldiers is downright RIDICULOUS.
Yes, I am playing on Hard.
Yes, I made it through ALL PARTS on Hard so far. I did find soldiers to be a bit too tough. But now it’s gone beyond any sense of logic.
Picture this: I am crawling from the sewers up a ladder. Both of them are standing back to me, chatting. As soon as I see the top of the back of their head, they turn around and shoot me.
There is NO WAY they could have seen me unless they have eyes behind their head.
So I crawl back into the sewers, chose a different ladder exit and go back up at a different spot. For some magic reason, ALL of the soldiers knew EXACTLY where I would come out and were ALL facing my direction, even though I became visible again at a completely different location.
The ONLY logical reason is that they are stuck on a aim bot, targeting where ever I am, no matter if they saw how I got there or not (i.e they can aim through walls/floors).
No offense, but this is not fair. There’s no strategy to use here. I can’t sneak on them, they’ll always know where I am. And the damage they do to me seems virtually equal to the damage I can do to them. Their reaction time is almost zero. Even when I know one is coming from a corner and I wait for him with a shotgun blast, I only get to shoot first about 70% of the time, hence I always quicksave before and after.
I know Hard mode is supposed to be challenging, and I don’t mind so much the fact that 1 soldier can kill me almost as easily as I can kill them.
But what I DO mind is that I’m unable to use tactics to overcome the fact that I’m 1 person against 10 strategically positioned enemies who seem to always know in advance where I am (i.e using an aimbot).
Make it fair: either allow me to use tactics by hiding and flanking from the sides, or allow me to go Rambo style with guns blazing and with realistic chances of survival.
Most games offer both options. At least offer one of them. Please.