Social media campaign starts on Facebook

What maxey says!

Front page has been…err…modified.

WoooO! Now, let the speculation begin on what it will be!
A new trailer, definetly. Demo featuring Stides’ Balck Meas Souce. The release of the game. Cased edition for the 20k people that liked the facebook page :smiley:

It will feature Half-Life models, just with subdivisions.

The FB page is receiving its fair share of complaints regarding the duration of the mod’s development process.

the new media will be the soundtrack being released two weeks before release


Really, really glad they didn’t have the 20,000 Facebook likes requirement for every new piece of media they posted on the BMS wiki page !!!

“To be honest, I think they’ve put people who’ve been following them through so much disappointment over the years that it’s a bit cheeky to be asking for Facebook likes to “unlock” new media. After however many years it’s been, they shouldn’t be getting us to jump through hoops for new media; they’re lucky that we still even care”


There are two threads about the “20,000 likes” situation, so I figured I would move some info to this one from the other.

I made a [subpar] 9gag post about this. I was asked if people could repost it, to which I replied “repost to your heart’s content.”

If you have a 9gag account [you can log in to 9gag via facebook as well], click the link below and “like” the post so that it gets to the Trending or Hot pages. If you can get this post visible to the 9gag community, there will be a LOT of “likes” on the BlackMesaDevs facebook page. It just needs to get out of the Pits of Hell [aka. the Vote page].

Also, if you want to post it to reddit, pinterest, or anything else that may help the progress, go for it.

I’ve been following this mod since 2005. This is getting me excited.

[Edit:] Here’s one of the reposts. Like them both so there’s a better possibility of visibility to the community.


Sure are retards in here.

2,000 likes in a day. Not bad.

I have 5 Facebook accounts, and none of them like BMS.[COLOR=‘Black’] (kidding, I only have one that doesn’t like it)

Ditto, this !!!

I see that the old trailer is once again on the homepage.

Is this new media the so-called “website surprise” that was hinted at 3-4 months ago?

Despite I don’t want to see new media because I don’t want the game to be spoiled any more and the fact that I boycott facebook, I just wanted to show that I’m still very interested in this mod and that surely many people out there think like me.

Thank god it hasn’t reached 20k yet. I was away for the weekend and would have been so pissed off to miss this. Come onnn baby! Only 10,123 votes left! :slight_smile:

Who cares about Black Mesa, HL3 for the win “_”

I have a stock tip for everyone: Kimberly-Clark Corporation NYSE: KMB – Makers of Depend Adult Diapers…

Let the pants-poopin’ begin!

I have done a couple random tests of number per minute… seems to be around an average of 6 per minute. That is 360 an hour +/-… 8400/360 = 23.33333

Shit - this may not happen today… unless things are gaining momentum exponentially… which I have no idea.

I swear it, I am not any kind of math nerd. Just a bloke that wants his balck meas sauce.

edit* – did a handful more… always between 5-10 per minute.

I saw something was going on in the news section and got excited. Then i saw this. Then i liked. More than once.

I am right in thinking this article is wrong, there is no trailer coming out. The only media will be in the form of screenshots?

Founded in 2004, became one of the first online communities dedicated to Valve’s Source engine development. It is more famously known for the formation of Black Mesa: Source under the 'Leakfree Modification Team' handle in September 2004.