Has the BMS team thought about implementing some sort of tracking/logging similar to theway valve does for TF2. I know that there would be little use for this with just a single player game (but I could still see some relevant information available) but once the multi player becomes available I could see this information being invaluable for the refinement of game balance, possible bug fixes, and the detection of exploits.
Now that the site is hosted on a more stable server I could see this as a possibility. Also The data doesn’t half to be live/semi-Live like steams. It could be handled similar to the way psycostats operates with nightly cron jobs and server log files. This would limit the amount of bandwidth required and all of the statistic calculation could be computed on the off hours to minimize server strain.
This may be a lofty idea but I could see this being a good addition for not only the developers but to the community.
[COLOR=‘DimGray’]I hope this idea dosen’t make hubi cry[/SIZE]