I’m stuck at c1a3a. I entered the air shaft but when I exit it the soldiers are not talking or moving. I kill them and head to the scientist where I can find the shotgun. He turns to me but doesn’t start talking.
I replayed the whole chapter, I reinstalled the game, … I don’t know what to do.
Can you help?
Loading game from //MOD/SAVE/bm_c1a3a.HL1...
npc_maker v_01_m_p has no specified NPC-to-spawn classname.
npc_maker v_02_m_p has no specified NPC-to-spawn classname.
Error! Flag "$halflambert" is multiply defined in material "models/props_construction/light_floodlight01_on"!
Attempting to precache model, but model name is NULL
Scene 'scenes\Expressions\colleague_scared_idle_01.vcd' missing!
Scene 'scenes\Expressions\colleague_normal_idle_01.vcd' missing!
Redownloading all lightmaps
Scene 'scenes\c1a3a\twelve_dumbass.vcd' missing!
Late precache of models/humans/props/scientist_syringe.mdl
Scene 'scenes\c1a3a\sci02_blastpitaccess_main01.vcd' missing!