Is there a sentences.txt for Black Mesa, and if there is, where is it? ?( I’m trying to reconstruct the military vox voice lines (which are awesome!) into single .wavs for my own personal use. However, I want to use the alarms like buzwarn.wav and dadeda.wav with them, and I can’t find which alarms to use for which sentences. And I don’t want to spend time listening to the actual sentences ingame. Help is appreciated! <3
If your not sure what I’m looking for, here’s an example from Half Life 2’s sentences.txt:
COMBINE_ALERT0 npc/combine_soldier/vo/(v100) on2(p110) contactconfim V_G0_PLAYERS, range V_DISTS meters, bearing V_DIRS degrees off1 {Len 1.13 closecaption NPC_Combine.Alert}