or you may hear "You are my childhood hero, gordon. ccan i hug you?"from guard and you respond is “Eh… no!”
I second that wat.
Was it a response to my post or something completely random.
Completely retardly random.
Good. I thought I missed something there.
I’d be impressed to see a stocky man in a bicycle helmet and vest perform martial arts on a space alien.
The ultimate protection my ass.
Yeah, Security guards are trained in shooting things, not martial arts.
But they’re not trained to shove anything that gets up in their personal space? :meh:
Yes, it was a retard joke.:jizz:
I personally don’t care if I saw the security guards bust out some sort of anti zombie Brazilian jujitsu or not. I think the important part of the security guards should be how human they feel. Instead of mindlessly walking a straight path to the player maybe avoid obstacles that the player ran into or through(like fire or into a barnacle). Or when they stop following they should make an excuse like, " Hey man I forgot I left my grandma in her dormitory. Go on ahead I’ll catch up with you later." Instead of just being just another thing in your journey he should help create a sense of reality. I know that sounds kinda retarded considering we are talking about a game with teleportation, zombies, aliens, and (the most absurd part) science; but how can a game be immerse if it doesn’t feel real? If when you are low on health you don’t start playing more carefully? Something sneaks up on you and you don’t jump(even just a little bit)? When you encounter a tough enemy your heart doesn’t start racing in your chest?
…yeah but it’s a sweet bicycle helmet.
I’d settle for them refusing to follow you like the scientists when you go somewhere they’re not able to do. They keep following you even then, and sometimes it stops other NPCs in areas past them from following you…
I used to get that from HL. Then I played it enough to memorize everything… Now I can only get that feeling from a few mods I have, and only sometimes…
Thats what happens when you play a game to death.
Been there, done that.
Holyshitholyshitholyshit, Eric posted a sentence with proper grammar and punctuation. O_o
Look out for the resonance casca-
Nope. Either it’s not proper word use to have ‘retard’ as an adjective (the correct word would be ‘retarded’), or it’s not a a grammatically correct sentence because of the two nouns meaninglessly placed next to each other at the end. You wouldn’t describe ‘No, it was a hand foot’ as correct, would you?
Still, most native English-speakers could do no better, so props to Eric.
Well, giving him the benefit of the doubt, he might have been using “retard” as a noun. Like “Yes, it was a black joke” could be a racist joke.
Then it would have to be retard-joke, if I’m not mistaken. Though I may very well be.