SDK Hammer crashing LOADING .VFT

I was making a pool and it didnt show just a big hole in map , i exited and now i cant open it up back it. error 7 in line 309584, how do i get to it and fix it?

i get these errors and crashes but .bsp is fine, any ideas?


The first error means you somehow managed to do something so ridiculous that Hammer exceeded its RAM quota and died. Congratulations!

The second error means your VMF is corrupted. You will have to either edit the VMF manually (using a text editor, not Hammer) or restore the VMF to an earlier state.

Your last two errors seem far more serious. They seem to suggest that a severe misconfiguration of the SDK has occurred. When in doubt, try setting up your SDK again, from scratch.

here is the file if you can take a look im lost

Here’s your problem. This is the brush located at line 309577 of the VMF file:

solid { "id" "65778" side { "id" "48012" "plane" "(-1.#IND -1.#IND -234.686) (-1.#IND -1.#IND -231) (-1.#IND -1.#IND -231)" "material" "DE_NUKE/NUKMETWALLM" "uaxis" "[1 0 0 0] 0.25" "vaxis" "[0 -1 0 0] 0.25" "rotation" "0" "lightmapscale" "16" "smoothing_groups" "0" } side { "id" "48013" "plane" "(-1.#IND -1.#IND -500.343) (-1.#IND -1.#IND -496.657) (-1.#IND -1.#IND -496.657)" "material" "DE_NUKE/NUKMETWALLM" "uaxis" "[1 0 0 0] 0.25" "vaxis" "[0 -1 0 0] 0.25" "rotation" "0" "lightmapscale" "16" "smoothing_groups" "0" } side { "id" "48014" "plane" "(-1.#IND -1.#IND -234.686) (-1.#IND -1.#IND -234.686) (-1.#IND -1.#IND -500.343)" "material" "DE_NUKE/NUKMETWALLM" "uaxis" "[0 1 0 0] 0.25" "vaxis" "[0 0 -1 0] 0.25" "rotation" "0" "lightmapscale" "16" "smoothing_groups" "0" } side { "id" "48015" "plane" "(-1.#IND -1.#IND -496.657) (-1.#IND -1.#IND -496.657) (-1.#IND -1.#IND -231)" "material" "DE_NUKE/NUKMETWALLM" "uaxis" "[0 1 0 0] 0.25" "vaxis" "[0 0 -1 0] 0.25" "rotation" "0" "lightmapscale" "16" "smoothing_groups" "0" } side { "id" "48016" "plane" "(-1.#IND -1.#IND -231) (-1.#IND -1.#IND -234.686) (-1.#IND -1.#IND -500.343)" "material" "DE_NUKE/NUKMETWALLM" "uaxis" "[1 0 0 0] 0.25" "vaxis" "[0 0 -1 0] 0.25" "rotation" "0" "lightmapscale" "16" "smoothing_groups" "0" } side { "id" "48017" "plane" "(-1.#IND -1.#IND -496.657) (-1.#IND -1.#IND -500.343) (-1.#IND -1.#IND -234.686)" "material" "DE_NUKE/NUKMETWALLM" "uaxis" "[1 0 0 0] 0.25" "vaxis" "[0 0 -1 0] 0.25" "rotation" "0" "lightmapscale" "16" "smoothing_groups" "0" } editor { "color" "0 184 125" "visgroupshown" "1" "visgroupautoshown" "1" } }This brush has coordinates that are -1.#IND instead of actual numbers. That means the brush’s coordinates are not only invalid, but also so completely invalid that Hammer wasn’t able to save actual numbers for the coordinates. You should open up the VMF in a text editor, and delete this brush manually.

ok thanks im off to try i keep ya posted, you da man

keeps crashing says unexpected end of file uggh, can you try and post it here? ty

Dude… You’re still mixing up .vtfs and .vmfs

VMF is the map file. (This is your map file!)
VTF is a texture file.
BSP is the finished map file.

I also noticed in the map, you seem to be mapping with MAP->SNAP TO GRID disabled. THAT IS BAD.

Always have Map->Snap to grid enabled. If you want to create smaller brushes, use the #- and #+ icons to make the grid smaller or larger.

And… You seem to be using the Tools->Carve for creating windows. Don’t. The source community is sort of religious about the Carve function, it’s mostly considered a “DONT FUCKING USE THIS”.
Sure, there are times when it’s useful, but mostly, especially as a new mapper, don’t use it.

Here’s the .vmf, (just open it and CTRL + S)

Your map contains leaks due you not sealing the skybox properly, you can see this after you compile the map and hit “Map->Load Pointfile”.
Cheers! :slight_smile:

Your issue was almost certainly caused by using the carve tool. Don’t use the carve tool. Ever.


Related youtube video by one of the developers of Empiresmod:

The comments are gold.

thank you so much, I wont use the carve for windows thanks you. I check snap to grid i just used defaults. I have forgotten so much. 8 years ago i made de_graceland, elvis house property. It was my first map, i’ll post if if u guys want to check it lol.
thank you so far it works alright now i made skybox and grass a little smaller too.

thanks guys!

Just don’t use the carve tool, ever. Even for very, very simple tasks it creates overtly complicated brushwork. There is just no reason to use it at all.

And map on the grid. Stick to 16 and above, only dipping below when you have to, and normally only for thin things like glass or trim. Work with powers of 2 for dimensions and you’ll find your mapping is outrageously easier, everything fits together nicer, and you don’t end up with super invalid brushes again!

By the way that carve tool video still remains to this day probably the funniest Source development thing I’ve ever seen. So much so, I’ve decided this is our new primary method for landscaping Xen. BSP is the future!

I thought that was func_illusionary… :frowning:

func_illusionary is still the futureeeeeeeeeee

(… unless you’re working on a particularly volatile branch of the Source Engine that constantly pulls updates from Valve, under the looming threat of possible entity removal without notice. But seriously guys, isn’t that what the whole major/minor/bugfix scheme for software updates is supposed to be for? :frowning: )[/size]

Founded in 2004, became one of the first online communities dedicated to Valve’s Source engine development. It is more famously known for the formation of Black Mesa: Source under the 'Leakfree Modification Team' handle in September 2004.