Screen shake from HL1


Remember how when certain events happened in half-life such as the gargantua stomping around, the screen would shake. If I remember correctly it would also effect the players movement slightly. I am pretty sure it isn’t in BMS, I think it would be cool.

It’s a nice idea to give the game more reality

Mr Anderson says a screen shake would be good.

I agree

There’s also screen shaking in Opposing Force when you’re walking by those giant killer fans

To be honest, I think viewbob and screen tilting when strafing is plenty ‘realistic’

Maybe a slight downwards jerk when you land from a jump though?

Those fans! That’s right, it was fun kinda like a mini game within the game itself. To me it all added extra stuff to think about while playing. If there was none of that it would be way easier to just speed run through the game. I say yes to more skill being involved with player movement puzzles.

I think there are screen shakes during the teleporter room at Lambda Core.

I think it happens when the big doors in LC slam shut, as well.

I think they should include something like this in the new release it would really make the game more realistic.

Founded in 2004, became one of the first online communities dedicated to Valve’s Source engine development. It is more famously known for the formation of Black Mesa: Source under the 'Leakfree Modification Team' handle in September 2004.