Save Game Function No Longer Works

First let me say that I am an older gamer, having played Half Life when it first came out, and am now playing Black Mesa off Steam.
I love this game. I have had NO problems at all until now that I have reached the Lambda Core…and am in the process of going into one of the coolant tanks.

Suddenly my game refuses to SAVE in game, or allow me to OVERWRITE a previously saved game. The screen just stays the same, and there is no “game saved” white letters notification any more.
I have started and restarted my computer
I have logged into and out of Steam.
I have revalidated the game files twice now on Steam.

I can LOAD a NEW game with the Lambda Chapter, it is unlocked in my game files…but even when I start that level new, the SAVE function no longer works.

I stopped drinking years ago, but might start up again now, as I really am sad. Any help would really be appreciated.
Thank you.

It’s possible one of your recent saves got corrupted somehow and is preventing the save function from working correctly.

Try deleting your most recent save from the load game menu. Alternatively, launch Black Mesa. When the menu comes up, Alt-Tab to Windows. Then browse to the folder C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Black Mesa\bms\save and delete the most recent bms-nnn.sav and bms-nnn.tga files (save games must be deleted while the game is running, otherwise they will be restored by Steam Cloud synchronization when you launch the game again). Return to Black Mesa, try loading a game or start a new game, and try saving a game again.

If deleting the most recent save doesn’t fix it, try deleting the autosaves and/or quick saves. Or better yet, delete all the files from the save folder. In this case, you’ll have to start a new game from the Lambda Chapter.

Also restart your computer.
Another thing you can do is restart that chapter from the New Game menu just to see if you can save and quick save.

Wow. There’s no doubt that my 999 saves (OK, don’t laugh) prevented me from going any further. But thanks to you, and the method you taught me how to go into Windows in-game and clear out the clutter, I am back in the saddle again.

Flavrans, you’ve helped me carry on to the finish of this masterpiece, when I couldn’t find a solution anywhere.

I am forever in your debt, and appreciate your help beyond measure. Thank You!

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No problem. I’m glad I could help. :smiley:

Founded in 2004, became one of the first online communities dedicated to Valve’s Source engine development. It is more famously known for the formation of Black Mesa: Source under the 'Leakfree Modification Team' handle in September 2004.