Both assumptions are utterly wrong. In germany, violence against humans in videogames was/is more ore less strictly censored (germany has the strictest youth protection laws in europe), all the more if this violence is only for self purpose.
If a new game comes out, it is at first reviewed by the usk (entertaining software selfcontrol), an institution founded by the videogame industry itself. It is decided there if the product is suitable for 6, 12, 16 or 18 year olds, or if its ‘‘liable to corrupt the young’’.
If the latter is the case, it is reviewed by the BPjM (Federal Department for Media Harmful to Young Persons). The committee consists for e.g. of artists church members, members of youth welfare, and so on…
They decide if they indicate it.
If its indicated, the product isn’t allowed to be sold to youths anymore, only to adults. No public advertisment is allowed anymore.
Of course, this means a huge loss for the company of that product if they cant sell it to the target group anymore (namely youths), so they try to avoid it to be indicated.
Thats why valve replaced the human soldiers in half life by robots… scientists and guards are also not killable anymore in the german version of half life. and blood decals are replaced by oil patches…