Robo Model

Due to German HL’s censorship, the robo model replaced the HECU grunts. The devs won’t create the robo model (it says so in Deathmatch FAQ) so can someone create the robot grunt BMS version?

*I wonder what would it feel like if robots ambush you in QE?, haha

Why did they censor it in the first place?

^ “To protect the nations youth” or some bullshit… The US is a lot less uptight about censorship than some other nations.

They also said it reminded them of Nazi soldiers or some other bullcrap

I had a great time with that thing in Sven Co-Op a.k.a killing me in less then 5 seconds.
Eitherway, how can the HECU grunt even look like a Nazi soldier in the first place?
Theres a huge difference between this

and this

They didn’t like the negative portrayal of the military. It only had to do with Nazis on a subconscious level.

HL with aliens and robots. Now that would make it a true science fiction game.

I think it was more about killing humans and sierra wanting a USK 16 apporval,for a broader audience.

Because the Gonarch clearly wouldn’t tip the scale quickly enough.

Both assumptions are utterly wrong. In germany, violence against humans in videogames was/is more ore less strictly censored (germany has the strictest youth protection laws in europe), all the more if this violence is only for self purpose.

If a new game comes out, it is at first reviewed by the usk (entertaining software selfcontrol), an institution founded by the videogame industry itself. It is decided there if the product is suitable for 6, 12, 16 or 18 year olds, or if its ‘‘liable to corrupt the young’’.

If the latter is the case, it is reviewed by the BPjM (Federal Department for Media Harmful to Young Persons). The committee consists for e.g. of artists church members, members of youth welfare, and so on…
They decide if they indicate it.

If its indicated, the product isn’t allowed to be sold to youths anymore, only to adults. No public advertisment is allowed anymore.

Of course, this means a huge loss for the company of that product if they cant sell it to the target group anymore (namely youths), so they try to avoid it to be indicated.
Thats why valve replaced the human soldiers in half life by robots… scientists and guards are also not killable anymore in the german version of half life. and blood decals are replaced by oil patches…

I agree that this could be an alt model for HECU like what they did with the M4 before it was cut. They said it was a console command to change the model. Maybe this could be toggle-able so people had the experience fighting humans and/or robots.

It won’t feel out of place for robots to be shouting “Neutralize Freeman!” in a young male’s voice?

I haven’t thought about the sounds, but I think it will be fitting if the sound for the robot grunts are the BMS’s gruff grunt sounds with more radio static/ electric effect and lower pitch like Combine vocoders .

They are robots, they have sound files installed in them.

EDIT: Found a vid about robot grunts’ voice

It’s at 11:00 of the video.

Wow, they really sound like robots.

Just retarded thoughts, but not necessarily. If they have some sort of wireless data hivemind type of thing they wouldn’t need it. But then, they’re robots.

I can imagine the voices could work with a more electronic sound, though. The model would be the hard part.

I just learned how to make voices robotic and it sounds nice if the model was actually done.

Is it fine?

heheh :stuck_out_tongue:

Sounds a little too “heavy.” But definitely a large stride int he right direction.

My ears died after 20 seconds.

That fucking Chinese Nihilanth. So good.

Wow, they’re better than I thought.
Also, Korean HEV and Chinese Nihilanth are so fucking awesome.

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