[Request / Question] Crates in Black Mesa

Hello guys,

I’m currently working on my stalkyard remake called dm_pro_stalkyard and I want to make it look good.
The problem that I have is the crates. In BM stalkyard the crates are larger than the original HL crates. I want my map to have the same dimensions like the HL map had.
That’s the whole point of my remakes. Make the maps more faithful to the originals. I also want to make my maps look good. So I wanted to use Black Mesa crate models in my map.
The problem is that these crates are too big. Is there any possible way to resize the crate models and ungroup them (because most stalkyard crate models are multiple crates in 1 model)?
I want to rebuild this map the best way I can… So I need to know this :slight_smile: Also I’m not a modeller and I don’t know how to translate 3DS Max dimensions into Hammer dimensions…
And I don’t know if resizing a model might not break a model’s UV Map. Also… I don’t want to use the HL1 textures :’(
If you have some answers… I be glad :slight_smile:

If you wanted to separate the crates you’d have to be a modeller, or at least know your way around a 3D suite to some extent.
Unless you have dimensions set to something like metric, generic units should convert 1:1 to Hammer units.
Resizing shouldn’t really harm the UV, though it can start to look stretched if it’s not scaled the same on all axes. You’d probably need to worry more about if the textures have AO for the other crates. That could cause you problems.

Sounds like you’re gonna have to pick up some new skills. They’re totally worth it. That or hope someone else has time to do it for you.

What do you mean with AO?
I’ve worked a bit with 3DS Max… But I can not call myself a pro… Also it kind of annoys me to work with the source engine since there are so many engine versions and so many compile tools.
Do you know which exporters and model compiler / decompiler I have to use for Black Mesa modelling?

I haven’t looked, but if the textures have ambient occlussion baked onto it, it would likely look bad once removed from the other models. But thinking about it, the crates probably have modular(ish) textures as opposed to ones specifically for each model.

Use Crowbar. I can’t recommend another compile package more. I’m not sure which SMD export plugin is best for 3DS, but a little bit of Googling will probably yield results quickly.

hm… ok… thx so far… not sure if i should try this… i guess i will release my map with HL1 textures as placeholders first… then maybe try this modelling stuff out… because I once did a css gun model tutorial… I made model, hand rig, uv map and a bit of the texture and a bit of animation… but then I wasn’t motivated to carry on, because CS:GO came out and I had other things to do :smiley: Modelling takes a lot of time for me… I can make maps… So I make maps… And I want to remake as many HL1 maps as possible.

Founded in 2004, Leakfree.org became one of the first online communities dedicated to Valve’s Source engine development. It is more famously known for the formation of Black Mesa: Source under the 'Leakfree Modification Team' handle in September 2004.