Remaining "Open" Bugs at Atlassian Bitbucket

There are still a large number of community reported game bugs, some of them quite old, that are still classified as “Open” at the Atlassian Bitbucket website. Just wondering if and when these will be resolved or reclassified to an alternate category/status.

There are also a lot of ‘new’ bugs that are untouched either. Probably devs are busy with something else, and will resolve bugs once other changes are made, which can creature new bugs.
Also, there is one bug marked as ‘closed’ instead of ‘resolved’ and it seems to be the last resolved one - maybe that means something?

I wouldn’t read into it. I haven’t been watching the tracker, but there could be a bunch of reasons. Maybe they have a new one (think they expressed wanting an internal one at some point).

It’s low on my priority list right now. At some point I will likely go through what remains to weed out what might still be relevant.

Thanks for the update.

Founded in 2004, became one of the first online communities dedicated to Valve’s Source engine development. It is more famously known for the formation of Black Mesa: Source under the 'Leakfree Modification Team' handle in September 2004.