Recommended Free C++ tutorial

I came here to get advice on what tutorials do people think are good, not what tutorials are out there. Google is great for the second, but might not get you really far for the first. Also, I just like discussing things with real people. So please stop being a condescending douche and jumping to the “hurr durr google it” conclusion every condescending douche always does.

And, sorry but fuck web technologies and cloud solutions. Cloud computing and web technologies aren’t the future of coding, they’re just the future of ordinary applications and computer functions, which I find boring as shit. We’re a long way from playing Battlefield in HTML5. So until then, I couldn’t care less about web technologies (or at least the coding end of them).

nuff’ said.

Also, C++ was my first programming language It didn’t take me but 2 weeks to get a good grasp of it’s basic functions, and then a month or so to learn the deeper stuff. I am still learning Direct X and some other stuff with C++ but it really isn’t all that hard, It’s kind of like giving commands to someone but you have to speak in their language.(At least that’s how I see it). I also learned some Python afterwards and some C# and they are all not much different function-wise you just need to replace a few things from other programming languages and it’ll make sense.

Founded in 2004, became one of the first online communities dedicated to Valve’s Source engine development. It is more famously known for the formation of Black Mesa: Source under the 'Leakfree Modification Team' handle in September 2004.