You know what I hate?! The grading systems they use here in BC.
All it is is adding all the marks you collected for the term, so if you got 15/30, 20/21, 20/20, 18/20 and 53/55, it adds to 116/146.
That means you’re grade for that term would be a “B” (which is a big deal if you were aiming for something higher) That 15/30 could mean anything, maybe you had family issues that were bothering you or maybe you were too sick to study.
What they should really do is use an averaging system where they convert each mark to a percentage and average it out, so it would be 50%,95%,100%, 90% and 96%, averaging to about 86% which is still an “A”!
In the current system, if you get one really low mark it drags you down for the whole term.
Averaging allows the higher marks to balance it out.
I mean really! I know a lot of my teachers like to give out A’s
Somebody should really talk to the school boards about this.
EDIT Nevermind, I’m a dumbass