this macro is fucking hideous
Didn’t I agree that I was being close minded and change the original post?
Other than that, can’t I have an opinion?
Funny how you critique my close-mindedness and lack of respect for other genres, yet you manage to inadvertently insult sole-guitar players; guitar isn’t that easy and I’m sure anyone who spends hours practicing on it would have to aggressively disagree with you.
After insulting guitar players, I think his attention would more or less be on you.
Other than that, sorry for whatever I said to make you so upset.
I’m already forgetting about this, so let’s move on, please…
Oh, of course. I have indeed found amazing artists when I look hard enough. It’s just that I can’t be surprised with their work on the radio or share my opinion with anyone else, because people usually have never heard of them.
I have found people like the,
Black Angels, Perfect Circle, Nine Inch Nails, some Bucket Head and some occasional rap (usually mid 90s) and dub-step.
Edit: sorry for double post.
dude ive been playing guitar since i was 9
its fucking easy
yeah, you guys just suck
The real thing that divides nobodies from somebodies is creativity, anyway.
I don’t give a shit how fast or well you can play your instrument if you can’t make music. That’s why the countless Asian-tiger-mom-musical-prodigies aren’t selling chart-toppers.
I just have to point out, the Kazoo is an easier instrument. Coincidentally, it’s also a more retarded instrument
Also, not to dis Jimi or anything, but why do we need another music thread? Most discussion of music usually happens in “What are you listening to.”
Hendrix quite literally is my middle name.
These days i’m into Luigi Russolo a lot. He was one of the first theorists of electronic music and he made the first noise music recordings. Here is a photograph of Luigi (to the left) with his noise contraptions, taken in 1913.
I believe the OP opened this thread with anniversary of Jimi’s death
Tosin Abasi is probably one of, if not the greatest living guitarist. Even if you don’t like the style of music, he’s incredibly creative, goes all over different genres, and is very accomplished at various methods of playing.
Fancy is right though, guitar is pretty retardedly easy once you get used to it, but to be truly good at it takes tons and tons of practice.
I wanna see fancy’s playing Jazz or blues right now
D G E progression is serious business.
He DEAD??? How its possible?? OMG
Joke has been made a page ago. Wasn’t funny then, most certainly isn’t funny now.
pretty much indeed
And in the same OP you mentioned, it was said that this thread is for discussing music.
Considering Jimi Hendrix was in the music business, you have to imagine that music should most likely come up.
you mean the first styles anyone learns?