I created this topic for the purpose of putting down my thoughts in order of what I liked and disliked about Black Mesa Source. Having played many genres and franchises in gaming, I consider myself capable of recognizing special qualities which are attributed to each of those series, let it be Diablo, Half-life or Unreal. A little selfish to say so, but who cares since the original post will only contain my thoughts of the game !
As a disclaimer, I am happy to say that this is possibly the best mod I have ever played. Though not perfect, it has changed and added so much so well that it could be recognized as a standalone in its own right. I will list my thoughts/suggestions in a simple order while keeping in mind what made Half-life so great, and what makes good shooters good in general.
– Positive Thoughts --[/SIZE]
Amazing production values for a mod. Despite it’s short-comings, this Source Engine Modification is absolutely fantastic. So many things have been covered - atmosphere, sounds, music, graphics; and successfully so!! The attention to detail is unmatched.
Very impressive graphics. Varied lighting style and reflections have made the look of BMS completely fresh throughout . Whether you’re outside in the desert, deep within Black Mesa - the look of the game just never gets boring. Lights, lights everywhere ! Though there is an out-dated side to the Source Engine, like lack of occlusion mapping or dynamic shadows, you simply don’t know notice those things because overall the game looks amazing.(runs great too)
Great overall feel to movement and shooting. Staying true to the Half-life 2 formula, Gordon Freeman is light on his feet and loud with his gun. Everything feels just right. While other shooters put severe limitations on your mobility, sprinting in Half-life 2 or BMS feels perfect. Except maybe that the Magnum .357 doesn’t always hit where you tell it to …
Scientists, ripe for the killing . I once collected 4 Barneys and 3 Scientists and saved them all, friendly banter between them was amusing - very nice addition.
Impressive soundtrack. Though the queue timings of the music can sometimes be jarring, as well as it’s intensity and volume in atmospheric parts of Black Mesa Source - the tracks itself are still quite good ! You only have to lower the volume so that it would match the volume of music in the original Half-life, which was pretty low(it was almost ambient).
Fun physics ! Picking up Houndeye corpses and hurling them into oblivion is downright hilarious. Blowing up crates just to see the bits fly around is almost as great.
– Neutral Thoughts --[/SIZE]
While for the most part - battling with Vortigaunts and Bullsquids is fun - there could be some small adjustments made to either of those monsters. - Staying true to Half-life, Vortigaunts should probably have a longer charge-up time, louder charge-up sound and more damage done per charge. At the moment, it’s pretty hard to dodge those charges(played on Hard) or predict their patterns - with those changes the game would be more rewarding of skill than luck. The new Bullsquid attack is fun - but it is almost impossible to dodge if the monster attempts to shoot consistently every second. This could be changed by giving the Bullsquid a pause between his attacks, and possibly increased damage - again to reward skill instead of blind luck. Also, Bullsquids should not take a single alternative blast from a shotgun to kill - increasing it’s health along with the attack rate change should work hand in hand.
The Aim Down Sight for the Magnum is completely pointless. It doesn’t really detract from the experience, but it’s addition is jarring as well. It simply has no use, only reminds you of Call of Duty or something. That along with the fact that the Magnum has a slight spread(don’t remember if Half-life’s magnum did?) makes the gun somewhat aggravating to use.
The grenades in Black Mesa Source are very hard to use - they simply do not go where you tell them to go . Possibly use the Half-life 2 physics model of the grenade to make it more accurate ?
There was some removal of hardcore elements from the game, like there is no longer some of the insta-death platforming, but that’s not a big deal whatsoever.
The death of almost every creature/human involves them just simply going into ragdoll. This looks a little weird especially for vortigaunts and some of the scientists(their corpses sometimes ‘jump up’ upon entering ragdoll, like the wounded scientist that dies near the three Tentacles). Can be fixed with a death animation into ragdoll.
– Negative Thoughts --[/SIZE] >
The enemy soldier AI. Certainly the worst aspect I’ve had to experience in Black Mesa Source. You are not fighting soldiers. You are fighting walking aim-bots that barely flinch when you shoot them, have superhuman reflexes, fire IMMEDIATELY when in their ‘aim-bot’ range, do not take cover when fired upon, are omniscient. Trying to get through these ‘soldiers’ on Hard Difficulty is almost impossible without extreme luck or exploitation. You cannot use tactics on these guys - you can only hide in a corner with a shotgun, lob grenades until they all die, etc. Facing them head-on guarantees that they will spot you immediately and fire at you immediately, causing grievous and practically unavoidable damage. Makes me want to play Half-life all over again.
The new G-Man spots are too obvious. One of the things that I loved about the Half-life series is finding those little places where the G-Man would observe your actions for a brief moment. That’s the joke - you actually had to look for them. In Black Mesa Source, the G-Man appears in most obvious of places - usually a few meters away from where you’re already looking.
The implementation of physics based puzzles from Half-life 2 is quite confusing . While so far they have involved me sticking a valve into a socket, there was no warning whatsoever that those puzzles would be implemented(there were no such puzzles in Half-life). This could result in confusion for newer/casual players who would sit for a long time not realizing that this re-imagining of Half-life actually uses elements unique only to it’s sequel. Hell, I was sitting for 10 minutes not sure what I was supposed to do. There is nothing wrong with the puzzles fundamentally, it’s just that they seem out of place for a remake of a game that never had them in the first place. To mitigate the confusion you could add a very simple ‘tutorial’ type puzzle at the beginning of the game, warning the player that physics based puzzles will be used later in the game.
There were a few cases where you would enter a room and for some reason the level designers decided to put a shot-gun wielding HECU soldier or a Bullsquid just out of sight and right near the entrance. The end result is you getting shot in the back(unless you’re the super tactician paranoid type that always checks his corners), taking fatal damage if you’re playing on Hard Difficulty. This is extremely cheap and uncalled for. When this happens I simply reload at an earlier save.
That is all I can come up with for now. Just list of though-out impressions done for the sake of letting a few things off my mind.
Thank you very much for creating this great modification, your effort on this game is almost inspiring.[/SIZE]
P.S.: As this topic is based solely on opinion and experience, feel free to post what you thought of BMS. Contrasting opinions are welcome! :3