Pre-Disaster Biodome Complex

Okay, so I’ve recently been editing bm_c2a4e to reflect it’s pre-disaster state, and I’d like to get some criticism on the lighting (which I feel is kinda wonky).

I suppose it could stand to have more of a colour tint to the lighting - so far just about everything but the desk lamp seems to be using pure white, which is a little bit boring.
Aside from that I can’t think of any improvements offhand - if this is a predisaster version, it wouldn’t make sense for random lights in the halls to be off or broken to create contrasting areas of light and shadow.

ooh, i really wanna see this! keep working on it pl0x

the lighting, to me, looks fine for a laboratory setting. although, the lighting in the airlock (third picture) looks to be a bit too intense next to those windows. but don’t listen to me, i know nothing about mapping lol

Agree with JeffMOD, get rid of the white lighting as it just washes everything out, you might have to experiment a little with very subtle colour values to compliment the blue lab textures.

Look forward to seeing your next update.

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