Make it a cvar so people can leave it off if they prefer, but it’s part of the classic game experience. Trying to play back through this slowly sprinting between each scripted area is just plain painful. This game used to be fast paced. BMS looks better than CSGO, but it feels more like a slower version of HL2 than anything.
Even if it was a bug (that the community embraced) it was intentionally left in from Quake 1 engine when Valce made Goldsrc, and was a core part of what made pretty much all of the famous HL1 & mods (NS, TFC, CS) so fun and gave them such longevity.
I realize this won’t be priority 1, but it’s an easy fix (Dystopia and Fortress Forever did it yrs ago), and wouldn’t impact gameplay. This would definitely set BMS-DM apart from the CODish experience it currently is.