Particle Effect Improvement Pack

it will probably be changed in the Xen release anyway

Sure. (7.77 KB)

Thank you, works like a charm! :heart::heart::heart:

…Hah, I got my particles back…[/SIZE]

I’m wondering if there’s anything you can do with the green effect when aliens teleport in? I was hoping that Black Mesa was going to make it a bit more advanced than a green ball of light with some electricity.

I’m not sure if it’s a particle effect or an old-fashioned sprite or a model or what. I would have loved for there to be some kind of distortion effect, caused by a wormhole opening up momentarily.

The green and orange portals in the Lambda teleport puzzle have some nice swirly effects and some slight distortion effects as well, would be nice if something like that could be applied to the alien teleportation effect.

In HL2: Episode 2, there is a nice brief distortion effect whenever a Magnuson Device (strider buster) is teleported in. A green version of that would have been ideal for aliens teleporting in. I’m willing to chance the performance impact!

I think that’s actually some sort of bug occurring, where parts of the game work OK at first but loading a saved game during that section causes a big performance problem. I played that part a few times (and got killed) and then found that my game slowed to a slide-show once the aliens were teleporting in and shooting at me while the portal was being formed. So I quit the game, loaded my save and things worked OK again.

Really? Thanks…I’ll give that a go. For all “Run around the chamber pelting stuff with the Gluon Gun” works pretty damned well, I’d love to try the full free-for-all.


Thanks for this add-on :slight_smile:

Where is the link please ?

Thanks :slight_smile:

Why link if it’s not done?

It looks absolutely better…

I hope they gonna add a lot of community enhancement officialy to the mod

quick note: I’ve been busy doing other things for most of this week, but I should finally have time to get back to working on BMS particles starting tomorrow, so hopefully I’ll have some more updates throughout the weekend.

I looked into it, but the effect doesn’t show up in the preview window, making it hard for me to do any additions or adjustments without relying on huge levels of trial and error – I’m guessing there’s some hardcoded stuff related to the size of the entity it’s spawning which is preventing things from working normally. I will give it a shot, though, but no guarantees I’ll be able to make anything significantly better

I’d like to include your highly anticipated mod prior to my next BM play-through. Any progress or timeline with further development? Don’t want to rush you, just asking.

Presently enjoying my second play-through of System Shock 2, utilizing all the benefits of the new unofficial v2.4 patch.

The only one I’m not too keen on is the shotgun, everything else is pretty good.

so any update?

patience, children…

Looking forward to use this mod aswell :slight_smile:

These are incredible!

I do love Black Mesa, but after watching your improvements, I can see how semi lackluster the originals are. I really hope the developers look at these.

Many BM devs have watercooled overclocked core i7 rigs SSD’s in RAID0 with tri-SLI graphics cards, so they must be laughing at our outdated computers. :lol:

Except tri sli doesn’t scale very well and causes alot of micro stuttering.

Sorry for the long delay; I’ve been real busy with my other mod project, which (along with both Dishonored and the new X-Com releasing on the same goddamn day man that’s irresponsible) has sapped most of my free time the past couple of weeks

All of the level-specific improvements so far (I’ve completed a first pass on UC, recently moved to OC) are just cuts and optimizations – I’ve done my best to minimize any perceptible visual difference, which means that I can’t really translate them to video unless they’re the cause of crippling framerate drops like the falling elevator I posted earlier.

I have been working on the weapons some more, though. In this video:

-Added a much nicer smoke trail to the Magnum, using a rope method rather than several sprites (reminiscent of L4D). There’s a bug in the 2007 renderer which requires all the points on the rope to fade simultaneously (they’ll jump all over the place otherwise) but I think it’s a net gain
-Began working on the Gluon Gun. Initial firing burst is quicker and more forceful, both to make it feel more powerful and to match the sound, and spawns a few floating sparkle-orbs. The orbs which emitted continuously as the gun fires now spiral around the beam in the same direction as the characteristic spiral too
-Hivehand muzzle flash mk. 3. Focuses almost exclusively on the same liquid-y gooey style that comprises the projectile trail. Is it good now
-Shotgun muzzle flash doesn’t have as lolheug of a flare, and the awkward looking ember flares are replaced by several smaller bits to try and give a visual representation of the buckshot scatter
-Cut down on the smoke from the Glock & MP5 along with minor tweaks

Thanks! honestly thought it has died out.


Founded in 2004, became one of the first online communities dedicated to Valve’s Source engine development. It is more famously known for the formation of Black Mesa: Source under the 'Leakfree Modification Team' handle in September 2004.