Is there a link floating around for the soundtrack? I am looking for it in 320kbps or better.

I think this official download is what we have. It doesn’t seem to be 320kbps, but I don’t think higher quality versions are available. Maybe in the game files themselves? I’m not sure.

@Hubicorn The soundtrack download link on the homepage points to https://www.blackmesagame.com, but it looks like you don’t have that domain anymore, because the download doesn’t work. I had to change it to blackmesasource.com manually.

You could just use https://nemesis.thewavelength.net/?p=26 and open the bms_sounds_misc_dir.vpk in common\Black Mesa\bms, to get the music.

https://www.joelnielsen.com/ has the original soundtrack files.

The download link leads to the bms website.

So this would be a better link:
(If the # worked)

As I said, you have to change it to https://www.blackmesasource.com/Black_Mesa_Soundtrack.zip, then the download will work. The deprecated blackmesagame.com website seems just to redirect to the correct homepage

CatEyes93 was also pointing out that if you want to support the musician you can make a direct donation or the music can also be purchased.
The Black Mesa Soundtrack is also available on iTunes, BandCamp (lossless audio), Google Play, Spotify, Amazon MP3 and Xbox Music.

What RedEye said. There are other links for download available and of course it is always nice to throw the creator a few bucks. I myself paid $20 for it cuz I am Joel’s biggest fan. But ya’ll do ya’ll. :slight_smile:

Founded in 2004, Leakfree.org became one of the first online communities dedicated to Valve’s Source engine development. It is more famously known for the formation of Black Mesa: Source under the 'Leakfree Modification Team' handle in September 2004.