is there a way maybe to put in the original weapon locations like the shotgun in office complex or the 357 in blast pit
Decompile the maps, move them yourself and recompile them. Otherwise you’re out of luck.
I personally think the new placements make more sence, anyway.
By the way, if a dev could answer it, it’d be cool… what’re the chances of the map’s hammer files being released so that people can make edits without decompiling them?
Oh man, that would be great. There are LOTS of things to be learned from the maps, those level designers really knew what they were doing, not only visually but technically as well.
I think it does a while now I got them decompiled lol.
I usually used them for specific purposes.
I know that Carlos wanted to release the complete Black Mesa source resources - or at least he did as of a couple years back.