Old weapon models?

I was browsing the wiki and saw a picture of the old MP5 model and the old SPAS-12 model (with the stock). I personally think they’re better than the final models. Any possible way somebody could recreate those? Those models are just sexy.



OLD HEV HANDS = Can not use unless you re-rig the new hands or rig hl2 hev hands to all the new BMS weapons?

Trust me I have fiddled about with this stuff already

He’s asking for the weapons, not the hands.

And those weapons are in the HL2 hands…Not Black Mesa ones… Although similar they are rigged slightly different

You know it might be worth seeing how the hands animate from HL2 on the Black Mesa Models might try that tomorrow

The current Black Mesa build uses the HL2 mesh, and what do you mean the weapons by the weapons are in the hands lol.
~Back to topic
In the leaked alpha of Black Mesa the Spas 12 shown in the screenshot is in there.
There is also a version of this one

Its hidden somewhere deep in ModDB’s HL2 addon category.

Forget the weapons, I want that HUD!

What I mean is V_Hands Black Mesa and V_Hands HL2 are slightly different although I have not tries importing V_hands for HL2 into Black Mesa the fingers are alot skinnier not sure if it would look correct but perhaps worth a try if you want the old weapons and and any other reskins from game banana… But when using the tau or the gluon not sure how this would look worth a test though

is this place in the released build? i dont remember it

Lambda core when you turn on the elevator

No mention of the M4A1 model they did? Seems a shame for all of this stuff to go to waste.

I really want those models. I’d do it myself if I had that kind of talent.

They really should have left the old mp5 model in the mod directory so people could use it if they wanted.

Same with the S[AS-12 (stock and non-stock).

But this thread is about the weapons, why the hell do you change the topic to hands lol :smiley: ?
@M4TT Its in the alpha but it does not contain animations.

I think I know what you’re talking about. I had that skin for a while, but it was recently removed from moddb. If you have it, could you upload it somewhere?

Well, could somebody possibly make animations, then zip the models with their corresponding animations then upload them to GameBanana or somewhere?

I like that model more than the one with the stock.

I like that model more than the one with the stock.

Can a mod remove this post? I don’t know why it double posted.

I think the alpha that had this model is removed.
@SirEgon I had that skin, but I lost after a crash.
Why is it removed?Did the Black Mesa development team had to complain again?

It’s probably laying around the Pirate Bay or somewhere like that. I once saw a whole a**load of Black Mesa alpha stuff on there.

Problem is I can’t connect Piratebay because my shitty internet provider had to block it.
I’ll take a look into other torrents later.
When I find them, I’ll decompile them into Max and add some animations.
Piece of cake!

Founded in 2004, Leakfree.org became one of the first online communities dedicated to Valve’s Source engine development. It is more famously known for the formation of Black Mesa: Source under the 'Leakfree Modification Team' handle in September 2004.