Old style Vortigaunt voices (edited from hl2 leak)

Awhile back I made a sound pack for the Vortigaunts in Black Mesa, I’d felt that the HL2 voices were too ‘friendly’ and lacked the scratchiness of their HL1 counterparts. In the HL2 leak, the voices were much scratchier and seemed to be continued from their HL1 style sound, so it gave me an idea. One day I snatched some old sounds from the HL2 leak and used my novice editing skills to throw together a pack.

Never posted it hear because of uncertainty with the rules, but I got clarification so here it goes! The voices are mostly gibberish, some English (they’re at least partially telepathic), and some HL1 sounds (Source makes them clear as the others in-game somehow). Also if I may suggest, the pack fits well with some of the HL1 style reskins floating around, too.

Youtube demo

I’m also looking for feedback on what everybody thinks. This is just some minor edits, reversing sounds or cutting sections up and moving them around, real simple stuff. But I think it came out well.

Wow now this is interesting! --> downloading -->

Was hoping this would have been a bit more popular, oh well.

How do you like it, Medkit?

I thought it was good, but i have not put it in game yet as i been too busy

Oh, sorry for not making a post!

Yeah, I think this is a vast improvement over the game. I’ve done a ST play through just the other day, along with the Vort reskin and the new voice. I like it much more this way, as they feel much more alien and different. “Gatta Lung” just makes them seem a little derpy. Anyways, thanks Mr. Someguy!

I think it’s fitting in nicely. I love it! B)

Thank you for the kind feedback everyone, glad people are liking it :smiley:

I always like the HL1 style. Can’t wait to try this out!

THIS is what should have been used in BM. What they did in HL2 is understandable, slaves being friendly, but putting the same kind of voices in BM was a strange decision. Thanks for putting this together, im definitely using it in my short if thats ok with you.

That’s perfectly fine, I’m glad you enjoyed them :3

I feel like these sounds fit a lot better than the normal HL2 sounds, well done!

We can’t use any leaked content…that is considered a no no.

2 bad… 3 even.

Still, we find things work better if they go “old style” like this sound pack :slight_smile:

I wasn’t asking you to, I know the rules regarding Steamworks and leak content :stuck_out_tongue:

If you were all third part it’d be different, but you’re not, and I prefer it that way anyway. Looking forward to retail!

Founded in 2004, Leakfree.org became one of the first online communities dedicated to Valve’s Source engine development. It is more famously known for the formation of Black Mesa: Source under the 'Leakfree Modification Team' handle in September 2004.