Official Black Mesa Workshop Collection - Now Online

Hey guys!

I’m proud to announce that the Black Mesa Workshop Showcase Collection is now online. This is a workshop collection of mods that the Crowbar team feels are above average or have been featured on The Test Chamber Livestream.

Over the life of Black Mesa, we plan to add more and more workshop contributions to this list, all of which are made by you. We’re still a growing modding community, and we hope to use this collection as sort of a scrap book of the highlights of that growth. There’s more plans for the modding side of Black Mesa coming in the next coming weeks.

Stay tuned, and as always: continue creating, Black Mesa!

This is so awesome! Bookmark time :slight_smile:
Now the only thing remains is that damn 100mb limit there. Hope it’ll be removed soon.




“They’re waiting for you, in the superrr workshop collection”

It will be nice when the 100mb limit is gone, who knows what people will make(though 100mb is quite a bit, at least for GMod). Not sure how much compression vpk’s have compared to gma’s, if they have any.

Founded in 2004, became one of the first online communities dedicated to Valve’s Source engine development. It is more famously known for the formation of Black Mesa: Source under the 'Leakfree Modification Team' handle in September 2004.