NPC models

so how often will we see two human NPCs using the same model? will all security guards look exactly alike? perhaps when the mod is finished, you can work on making a patch which will include many new NPC models, to try and minimize this.

The Face creation system will make sure that most of the marines (or any other human character) look different (submodels)

Also, next time, check out the cool wiki, it has many good articles and should help you find all your answers

Wow, for once someone asked an obvious question that isn’t in the FAQ.

let’s hope it ends there

You’re wrong. It was always there.


The single player FAQ is now officially located on the wiki for ease of use and design purposes.

would’t it be cool wen you can see a headcrab take over an body,
that your friend is attacked by a headcrab, changed in a zombie and attacked you! :freeman:

That would be very very very hard to do.

I don’t think the zombifying process is that fast…

after the resonance cascade, the first enemies you see are head crab zombies.

Who knows how long Gordon was out. You gotta consider the fact that he got knocked out

The first enemies Vortigaunts, then Bullsquids, then Headcrabs, then Headcrab Zombies.

In HL2 the first zombie appears at Station 6 mere minutes after it is shelled.

Can’t be much. Because scientist was giving a first aid to a guard

No you see 2 bullsquids in the teleport sequence along with a head crab in each colored cave, then you seen several Vortigaunts looking at you. When back in black mesa you then get attacked by a headcrab (run), avoid some lasers then fight headcrab zombies.

“What are these things Gordon and why are they wearing science team uniforms.”

You see vortiguants dropping in and out of teleports before you get to Xen.

This, it’s very easy to miss as they drop quickly and disappear again within half a second, but they’re there.


Their what? Complete the sentence for fuck’s sake, it’s driving me nuts! :fffuuu:

So…that means that only some minutes had past. :wink:

Founded in 2004, became one of the first online communities dedicated to Valve’s Source engine development. It is more famously known for the formation of Black Mesa: Source under the 'Leakfree Modification Team' handle in September 2004.