NPC entities that should be a wiki page

I’m new here and im not sure this is the right place to post this sorry in advance. On the wiki page of every npc the npc ID should be listed or at least a page with every id for each npc. Sorry but i would love to have 5 security guards following me all the time :slight_smile: .

Hmm… We have a convar list, but I guess the spawn codes for the npcs aren’t there. Would be nice to have that spawncodes, but first developers need to give them for us (or we need to find it somewhere in the deep of this forum).


Found it!

If you can find the names of the NPCs, maybe by using some program like GFScape, you can spawn certain NPCs. For example:

npc_create npc_vortigaunt spawns a Vortigaunt.

npc_create npc_bullsquid spawns a, yes… a Bullsquid

I tried to spawn a Barney but there is no NPC with that name, unlike in Half-Life 2.

I updated the convars page with the spawn codes for the NPCs entities found in BM.

This isn’t the complete list because there is missing the codes to give different weapons for Guards and Scientists. I’ll update this list as soon as I find these codes.

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