Nit-Picky things about BMS and the original Half-Life thread

  • So, I was browsing the timeline for Half-Life one day, when I remembered that the original Half Life took place on March 16th, 200-. Many people say early it takes place during the early 2000s. However the calendars contradict this as the December Calendar also matches with December of '09. Black Mesa Source also showcases that it could take place during the mid 2000s. I would just like to get a date. I know that Laidlaw wrote “May 16, 2003, at 8:58 AM UTC-07:00” but Valve nor Laidlaw have confirmed this. Please send me your thoughts.

Here’s your answer

The calendars could be from 1989, 1995, or 2000.

The The D2H Fest poster n Dr Horn’s Shack prohibits 1989, 1995 and 2000 from being considered. It’s advertising a July 22-28 2007 convention. Therefore, the year is 2006 because it’s the only year that the days of the week align with the calendars that are shown throughout the game and matches the time frame of the poster.

I’m still saying there is a time loop going on and someone is hopping back and forth changing things

My personal opinion:
When Valve made Half-Life 1 they just had it take place “now” and didn’t think about it. They purposefully left the date vague so that they wouldn’t have to worry about inconsistencies in later titles.
And for me at least — that’s what matters. I believe it is set in 1998, because I am 99% sure that’s what Valve intended when they made the game. I know that some people take all this way more seriously than I do, and keep insisting that it takes place in 2000. Or 2001. Or 2007, whatever. And that’s totally okay by me.

Founded in 2004, became one of the first online communities dedicated to Valve’s Source engine development. It is more famously known for the formation of Black Mesa: Source under the 'Leakfree Modification Team' handle in September 2004.