New Server, YES AGAIN.


We are moving a new server this week. Since we seem to do this every year, don’t worry! We are server moving professionals! You wont notice any downtime at all. We are also switching the DNS but since the nameserver of the domain is still the same, downtime should most likely be little to zero.

You may be thinking “THIS IS TOO GOOD 2 BE TRUE!”. Well, it is. The only issue you might have is missing a few posts or two. For example, This very post might not get ported over to the new server if I started to write this during the database transfer. As we will do everything to collect everything, please expect no more then at least four recent posts to “maybe” go Casper on you.

Who knows, you might even be reading this message on our new server by the time you get to it. If so, please let us know if there is anything afoot.


I bet this is still the old server. :stuck_out_tongue:

May i ask why we are switching server?

Hark! It’s the elusive hubicorn! Quick, catch it before it escapes!

Are there any apparent advantages to this decision?

More CPU = More faster release!

It’s a sign! Balck Maes must be coming out TOMORROW!


HubiCorn should have closed this thread after that first post. Due in light of a predecessor poster

I dunno shit about website maintenance… :frowning: Oh well

Hope Dies Last


And this is the second weeee!=)

So this was the reason for the weird 403 page. Lets give a try to this new server :slight_smile:

EDIT : Yeay, my thousand post to celebrate it !

^Congrats, you have reached a higher level of unproductivity.’

anyways. Anything new with the server, an upgrade, or what?

Faster processor, more RAM, more disk space. Currently doing some backup tests so excuse any slowness.

We can always use more ram.

Oh good, I won’t have to hold back on shitposting any more.


The forum is noticeable faster and more responsive, good job everyone.

I just got two cloud flare error pages. Weird.

Founded in 2004, became one of the first online communities dedicated to Valve’s Source engine development. It is more famously known for the formation of Black Mesa: Source under the 'Leakfree Modification Team' handle in September 2004.