New gun sounds for animation revamp (also new muzzleflashes)

Download link:

Here’s a video: (watch in HD)

(Note that the sounds got a bit distorted in the recording, they sound a little less noisy ingame)

I replaced the shoot and reload sounds for the following weapons:

Explosion sound

Also I edited the muzzleflashes from this pack more to my liking, but those are optional.

I included sounds for the both the Glock and Beretta in IIopn’s pack, but only the M4 and not the MP5. I might do the MP5 if it’s requested enough.

Whadda ya think?

This sounds pretty great. A more intense sound, and I like it.

I forgot to demonstrate the reload sound for the M4 in the video, oh well :3

Just a few issues; the shotgun pump sound doesn’t fit at all (too loud and plastic-y), the shell casings (if you did those) seem to be awfully filtered, and due to BM’s sound system, longer echoes can be very difficult with the M4/MP5; the sound is played once per shot, and all the reflections become this strange, semi-layered thing. This as opposed to CSS’ system, where the shot sound is still played once per shot, but for every time it plays, the previous rendition gets cut off, thus leaving whatever echo it had unaltered. Apart from these disturbances, you’ve done an excellent job. Thank you.

I lowered the volume of the pump and decresed the echo of the M4, you can try if you want and see if it’s better.

(place the pump in the “SPAS” folder and the rest in the “mp5” folder

Thanks for the feedback

Pump sound has too much treble. Needs more depth/umph.

Otherwise, I’m likin’ it.

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