Seeing that the gameplay is the main attraction for once, I think that’s going to be the next big thing they show. Might take a while, might not. All I know is that it certainly gives what I’ve been reading about the gameplay some context. I thought blinking was going to have a teleportation effect or something, when it’s actually a burst of speed in the direction you’re looking. It’s way more subtle and I’d say better than what I imagined.
Also the look of the game has a painterly look to it that this trailer doesn’t have. All the characters have slightly exaggerated features, and the contrast between shadows and highlights are sharp and striking. I’m actually kinda disappointed that the trailer had to go and make everything look realistic when that wasn’t the goal. I wanted to see the game’s true style. Ah well. I know a lot of people who’ve only seen the trailer will be disappointed when the gameplay shows it’s head. They probably won’t be expecting the slight cartoonyness of it all.