Mith: Under the Constitutional of the United States, people have a right to privacy, defined as being secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects. If you want to search, you have to have probable cause or a warrant. Simply believing someone to be “illegal” is insufficient. If you want to search that person, their house, their papers (including immigration status) and other items (cars, places of business, etc), you need to go to court and get their okay in the form of a warrant specifically stating what’s to be searched and why.
If you see someone on the street and, even if you’re reasonably suspicious that they’re in the country illegally, constitutionally, you have to go to court and get a warrant to search that person and their stuff. You can’t just go up to that person and get them to show their papers without that warrant. The American people still have rights under the Constitution and it is my hope that the Supreme Court will so viciously strike this down that the other states that are pondering the same exact thing will not enact it.
It’s so blatantly unconstitutional, it’s not even funny. And the only trait that a police officer can use to divine whether someone is illegal or not is…you got it: Their race.
Because, let’s play, “Who’s the Illegal?”