MSKyuuni's All-Purpose Guns

I put together some gun sounds for Black Mesa, with the intent of bringing genuine power to the audio. The shots were designed to seem plausible in small, medium and large indoor environments, as well as the outdoor desert environments. The sounds are based primarily on CoD MW3 and Black Ops, Battlefield Play4Free, Crysis, and cleaned-up sounds from HL1. If you want the static-free HL sounds or have a criticism to offer, please just tell me. So far, these are only compatible with vanilla guns. Currently, the pack includes sound for the Glock, SPAS-12, Colt Python, MP5 and Crossbow.


Soon to be added (will remove when done):
Compatibility with Animation Revamp
Explosive weapon sounds
SPAS, 357, and MP5 reload sounds (syncing for these is slightly fucked)

Cool, gonna check em out

Pretty good.

Glock fire sounds need improvement - rework the sound’s two-step ending.

Can you be more specific please? I think it’s fine, but what do you think is wrong with it?

The mp5 has a metallic jingle sound towards the end of the sound. The glock echo after the initial fire sound, reminds me of someone closing a door of somekind.

Okay. The jingle on the MP5 is because I used the original sound from HL1. I tried trimming it out, but then half the character is gone. I’ll try it with a different base. I’ll also try a different Glock echo (thanks for specifying).

Its really hard making gun sounds hey, the best way ive found is to have my sound editing program open make a small change then quickload black mesa and see in game what it sounds like. Cos it always sounds diff in game, especially when u rapid fire the glock, or full auto the mp5. Then after a listen u have an idea which part of the sound isnt quite right.

have u tried out these new ones I made? -

Update: Did my best to get rid of the jingling on the MP5, but I can’t find any better Glock echoes. Does anyone have suggestions as to what type I should try? Have to check this one out man my fav mp5 ive done so far

As for the glock I could point you towards Insurgency 2. Easy to use sound files there for sampling.

I don’t have Insurgency, or its sounds.

EDIT: The MP5 sounds great, but it’s not really fitting for BM.

I spose everyone has their taste. For me it ties in nicely with the glock,357 and shotgun from the other pack I did. I also have custom hl1 sounds for the zombies, houndeye, barnacle, HECU classic voice, bullet flesh impact, all the uncut areas and animation revamp. I still use the classic shotgun I hate that stock that’s ontop especially cos its not used. I think ive gotten it to how I want the game to feel. Maybe a couple more sound changes and I’m done with my custom BM.

I had an idea. I remember making a nice mp5 sound with the smg from hl2. I cant download it at the moment, was wondering if by any chance you had it installed? If you could upload the smg, 357, shotgun, and pistol sounds from it, I wouldn’t mind having a fiddle and seeing if I could make some sounds for BMS. Also some cleaned up versions of the old hl1 weapon sounds would be nice to try and make a mix between the two.

Another thing, what program do you use to mix/create your sounds? I am using wavepad for all mine.

I use REAPER. Yes, I have HL2 so I could give you those sounds, and yes I could post the HL1 sounds.

That would be awesome if u could post a link. The hl1 sounds need to be cleaned up versions though. I already have the originals but they have to much static for me to use.


Founded in 2004, became one of the first online communities dedicated to Valve’s Source engine development. It is more famously known for the formation of Black Mesa: Source under the 'Leakfree Modification Team' handle in September 2004.