I’m more confused as to how he was playing H3 on his pc?
'cause srs.
H3 is p polished performance wise.
Never saw any fps drop anywhere.
I never said I was playing it on my PC.
I figure that maybe your OS install is overstressed from all the bootlegged software you’ve downloaded. If it’s not that, try shutting down all your resource-intensive applications (no matter how hard they bitch about BEING shut down) through the task manager before running the game. If you’re still having zombie-pc syndrome, try this dirty lil’ trick;
1 Goto device manager, advanced, and specify your pagefile to 0
2 run the fanciest defragmenter application you own on the specified drive
3 Restore your pagefile to it’s original size
4 restart the PC
This should bring all the installed apps on the drive together, and net you a noticeable performance gain across the board. If that still fails and you’ve updated all relevant drivers, the time has come for the quarterly Windows Reinstall! Whee! Wipe the primary drive of the install and partition that held the os, reinstall your bootlegged or genuine Windows, and reinstall a whole lot more. You may want to make a batch of scratch Margaritas while waiting for this to complete.
“I figure that maybe your OS install is overstressed from all the bootlegged software you’ve downloaded”
c’mon…I can tell you that I’m a “pirate” and NEVER gotten a virus thru “bootlegged” software. And if you are stupid enough to go to some obscure russian “get girls, get games” site then you only have your self to blame. Reghubs at DC is the shit. And when you find a game that you like; then buy the damn thing…
If this is the case, then you’re doing it wrong.
That sounds like it would be a pain in the ass.