How would one go about either adding entries to the character_manifest.txt file or replacing it with another version that includes more entries (other than the obvious, hackish, and not very portable option of decompressing bms_misc_dir.vpk, messing with the files, and then recompressing it, of course)?
Will modded character_manifest.txt files add (as in, all entries will be accessible alongside one another), or will they replace each other so that only the modded content is available (not a big deal as I could just copy everything that is in the vanilla file, but may cause compatibility issues down the road)?
I’m trying to use some armorless guards as office workers, and the existing security_no_armor entry both suffers from a bad case of same-face syndrome and makes the choreography I want to do impossible as all the workers have the same name. Being able to add a few of the “office worker” no-armor configurations to the manifest would go a long way to solving these problems, but at the moment I am getting no results even with a vpk containing an expanded vanilla characters_manifest.txt (taken from bms_misc) in its “scripts” folder.