Modding: Weapons

Just a quick question, Is it possible to implement custom weapons in Black Mesa’s current state?

and if so how?

Custom weapons, or custom weapon skins?
You should be able to reskin a weapon by rigging your model to the appropriate BM weapon skeleton, packing that into a VPK and mounting it.

Custom Weapons, not skins.

That doesn’t replace current weapons

I think you’re SOL until we get source code, which last I checked is still at a “maybe for the free version eventually.”

so we wont be able to make custom weapons for Retail BMS?

The thing is that custom weapons are a matter of programming which requires source code. If they do give out their source code, they won’t be doing it for the retail version for a multitude of reasons, some obvious, some not quite as much.

Isn’t it possible to add custom weapons via server mods (AMX mod)? At least it was somehow possible in HL1DM…

We actually would like to give out retail source code at some point - really we would. We are extremely pro-modding (for obvious reasons) and believe in opening up as much as we can. Hence why we decided to ship singleplayer vmfs with the game, which to my knowledge is not something that has really been done much before.

But with the programming source code, there are a significant number of obstacles to overcome for that to be possible, and right now we’re just knuckling down and focussing on the game. We may try and crack it at some point in the future, but no promises. Who knows what challenges the future may hold.

Thanks for the information, hopefully some day we will be able to do this :slight_smile:

Founded in 2004, became one of the first online communities dedicated to Valve’s Source engine development. It is more famously known for the formation of Black Mesa: Source under the 'Leakfree Modification Team' handle in September 2004.