Misleading Ad

Somebody glancing through the index page of your site could be confused by this ad, as I’m sure its creators intended.

download to iphone


If you are stupid enough to mistake that ad for an actual download link, then you don’t deserve to play this game at all.

This is outrageous. I downloaded this free trial of the full Black Mesa game mod to my brand new iPhone 4S and instead I got a shitty game where you throw allegedly angry birds against green mutant swines. I am appalled that the BM Team would trick me like that, I demand money.

While those kinds of ads piss me off to no end, they also help fund the site, and aren’t that big of a deal – Case closed.

There’s ads on this website?

All true, but can’t an admin at least report it to whoever they use for their ads? All I know is that if this were my site, I wouldn’t want that kind of ad on it.

This :stuck_out_tongue: .


Quick, admins, ban him!!!

It says (by law, I would expect)” ADVERTISEMENT”.

doesn’t use adblock

I dunno, ads don’t really bother me that much. So long as they don’t pop up. But most advertisers use pop unders now as they know people won’t be so bothered about them.

I always wondered why I had ^advertisement^ thing on the bottom of the page. Forgot that I used adblock. :stuck_out_tongue:

Speaking of Misleading Ads.

^ :smiley:



I thought both videos were condom commercials in the beginning. Close enough.

Founded in 2004, Leakfree.org became one of the first online communities dedicated to Valve’s Source engine development. It is more famously known for the formation of Black Mesa: Source under the 'Leakfree Modification Team' handle in September 2004.