Married with Black Mesa

Or asking for demos, as it happens in the Steam chatroom.

This. Need inspiration? Just search for locked threads, or look through the Got A Question and All In The Detail threads.

I don’t hardly go on the chat rooms, so I have no idea what going on in there, and the noob thing, I don’t know, it sounds very low key to me, something with more dept to it, I could do the noob thing as a side joke, that’s it.

edit: Again, this is all insider stuff, things I don’t keep track of.

looks innocent

Err… I think I’ll just make one more, I don’t like the ideas I’m hearing, but I’ll go all out in this one thought.

Dude, you’re a genius :smiley:

You can always make more when you get enough good ideas.

*looks innoc- wait, Soup’s shagging you TOO? That slut.

Who the hell did you think it was in the gimp suit with the Scottish accent?

It’s a little hard to hear the accent through the gimp suit :wink:

Needs moar me.

the scottishness is indeed epic. You just don’t mess with scots.

Ha, nice videos. Try making one about the PC and Mac debate.

Let’s put a smile on


I don’t so much want to steal Soup from you, so much as grab another spoon so you and I can enjoy him together, if you catch my drift. :wink:

Lamsey can be like croutons, if that’s not stretching the analogy (or anything else) a bit far.

I don’t want to be stretched, I’m prefectly happy the way I am, thanks.

Actually in that scenario I was imagining Soup doing the stretching.

I haven’t been in the mood/hadn’t the time too do another one, but i’m working on a edit of something, the only hint I’ll give is “… … … Black Mesa … are”

Founded in 2004, became one of the first online communities dedicated to Valve’s Source engine development. It is more famously known for the formation of Black Mesa: Source under the 'Leakfree Modification Team' handle in September 2004.