Married with Black Mesa

I don’t take anything they say to heart anyway.

Anyway, Episode 2 everyone

This should take the place of the weekly podcasts we was promised.

That’d be awesome!



That was defiantly something else.

Kaze’s secret relationship with SassyRobot would be great a plot device.

Hell yeah! This series need moar drama :awesome:

Pretty nose joke has been officially killed.

When Hubi discovered it, he gone mad and start sleeping with pigs which ended by a flu. meanwhile the beautyfull nose got an ugly spot. To help with it, Keresh use an old tony Jaa trick: spin a walrus. But this has provoked unforseen consequenses…

I concur. All the arguing they do can only be either unrequited sexual tension or an elaborate cover for their sordid affair, one or the other. :smiley:

Or both :fffuuu:

What did I just watch.

I don’t like girls how can this be.

Epic outing right there.

what a dumb video, what a dumb thread
oh, my

And to complete the trifecta, what a dumb post. Congratulations.

Nice job hot, lulz were had.

And the inflow of idiots continues

Oh snap. That video was just odd.

Would you all preferred a rehashed or something different?

Also Does anyway want to submit a script (PM’d of course)

So advice anyone, don’t leave me in the dark here, what do you want to see?

And it has to be Sensible to a degree.

noobs asking about easter eggs, gravity gun, dr. breen, etc.

Founded in 2004, became one of the first online communities dedicated to Valve’s Source engine development. It is more famously known for the formation of Black Mesa: Source under the 'Leakfree Modification Team' handle in September 2004.