Married with Black Mesa


And who the fuck are you?

The same as the both of you. A nobody on a public forum. Why do you ask?

someone who really liked that video apparently.

Not bad!
I lol’d mildly :3


I can has be inside it yes lolol?

The script was finished last night, I’ll compile it in a few hours.

Uh oh :fffuuu:

I’m staying out of this one…

I, on the other hand, am SO staying IN of this one. Can’t wait. Want vid NAO. :rabies:

I had forgotten about those

Ah yes, sadly alot of the members are long gone.

I must have no sense of humor cause that video made me stare blankly at my monitor thinking, “wtf did I just watch?” And I know I can laugh at stuff like that cause I lol’d hard core at Charlie the Unicorn but this one nothing… :frowning:

its an in joke more or less

Don’t worry about it, its just the resident 4channers banding around in defense of one of their own (“it’s an in joke more less”) - common herd behavior, actually. You should feel a sense of pride that your personality isn’t compatible with that particular brand of internet faggotry. Never surrender!

All of Hot#s posts make me do that. But it becomes more hilarious when you reflect that someone thought making and posting that was a productive use of their time.

Uhm, no mattemuse, the in joke is that Grum is always rude towards me while I’ve done nothing to him to provoke it.

You’ve missed the point of the video.

You made a joke video based on someone provoking you?

No offense, but am I the only one who thinks thats a bit lame? (Though the video itself was quite funny.)

I thought it was pretty funny myself. Dreading / looking forward to the next one.

I remember these from waaay back.

Well, I was never taking it on in the first place, that’s where there relationship thing came in, while he was saying things, I just pretended he was in love with me and the provoking was a secret messages of love towards me.

Episode 1 provides sitcom version of that event.

You’ll need some new material for a while, Grum’s douchebaggery earned himself a temp ban. And not even for anything directed at you, ironically.

Don’t listen to all the nubs hot, they have no way of understanding true black mesa humor if they weren’t on these forums as long as you.

Founded in 2004, became one of the first online communities dedicated to Valve’s Source engine development. It is more famously known for the formation of Black Mesa: Source under the 'Leakfree Modification Team' handle in September 2004.