Malicious ads

I’ve now come across an ad that comes up on the main forums page that will fill the entire page with a big blue image with question marks flying all around, and links to this survey.

It seems to also be related to some Beniful dog food ad, and something called, I think, “Smartscan” or something. Both ad links are still shown on the top and bottom of the page over the giant window-filling image.

I just wanted to bring this to the devs’ attention, since I’m guessing they have a say in the ads shown on these pages, and I’m sure they don’t really care for ads that do shit like fill up the whole page and then link to weird “surveys”.

fukn ads

Dammit. We asked our ad provider to not show these type of ads at all. I will switch all the ads over to exclusively adsense later tonight.

adblock ftw tbh

Ya I use it too but leave it off for sites I frequently visit. Unfortunately the server bills don’t pay themselves :frowning:

Damn webmasters, spamming my Black Mesa :retard:

It’s not the presence of ads, it’s the presence of ads that make themselves take up the whole page and not have any way to make it go away other that reloading the page.

Definitely. I myself and Hubi hate those type of ads as much as everyone else. Sometimes advertisers just kinda throw them in there…

I thought my laptop was infected, but just for the record I received the same exact ad a day or two ago.

NO MORE CRAPPY ADS. We just joined Giant Realm as our ad network provider: <3

Shameless plug there eg? :stuck_out_tongue:

you say shameless, I say lucrative :stuck_out_tongue:

Is there some contract in the advertiser’s network, where you have to pay a massive fine every time you violate the terms, ie by making a fullpage ad? That would be pretty awesome.

Don’t think so. Some advertisers give you the option to enable/disable certain ad types while others do not. I’m pretty sure this new advertiser does give the options, haven’t really played around with it all that much yet.

I may turn off my adkiller settings for you guys if it turns out the page of death wont come up anymore.

A spambot that tells the truth!

Another spambot tells the truth!

Oh wait its just jerry…

holy shit! 3 spam bots all telling the truth…

i best phone the president of the internet and inform him of this…

The forums are made out of spam bots.

That would make me a spam bot D: EVERYTHING I KNOW IS A LIE.

Founded in 2004, became one of the first online communities dedicated to Valve’s Source engine development. It is more famously known for the formation of Black Mesa: Source under the 'Leakfree Modification Team' handle in September 2004.