Makeover Concepts

Started on this for fun. I could keep going, but it’s not exactly fast in photoshop, and the general idea is out. There’s also the fact this can probably go nowhere.

Original Gangster:


I might pick on something else if I get bored enough again.

Neat idea, I wouldn’t doubt that someone might do something like (or maybe use these ideas for their own project in some way). The emblem looks a bit odd, being off-center like that, though.I think maybe being suspended on a smaller beam through the center of that raised terrarium might look a bit better.

It’s really awesome… the new design proposal looks far more elegant and beautiful. And also more logic… what was the blue cylinder-column there meant to be anyway? i also like the offcentered helix logo.
Someone should really do this.

Both a script and a map entity to fire / start the music. If you just play a sound file from a map it won’t know that it should be on the music volume as opposed to the sound effects volume.

Founded in 2004, became one of the first online communities dedicated to Valve’s Source engine development. It is more famously known for the formation of Black Mesa: Source under the 'Leakfree Modification Team' handle in September 2004.