More and more often I’m getting the following error:

Sometimes everything works fine, but mostly the site appears to be loading extremely slow or not at all. Other sites work fine.

Using Firefox + addblocker

Any ideas?

More and more often I’m getting the following error:

Sometimes everything works fine, but mostly the site appears to be loading extremely slow or not at all. Other sites work fine.

Using Firefox + addblocker

Any ideas?


/smacks Jean

I’m having no issues at all. Are you sure its not on your end?

I am getting it too. All day

just got that error today a few minutes ago too

Seems to be back to normal.

Cropped up for me today too

Running Firefox 3.6.8

Yeah, I’m getting that error often too, on Chrome.
I reckon it’s the site.

Lots-o-posts just got deleted.

Anyways, it’s the site. I’m not getting the error right now but I got it a few times today.

I haven’t got that, I use internet explorer, I dunno if that helps?

Apparently IE ftw. :brow:
Cause I don’t have any problems either.

The hiccups have gone. The server is back to normal.

This error is from RM249 “fixing” the servers. He does it every couple nights. Also has nothing to do with what browser you use.

Night where?

Where RM is, probably.
Or where Omega is, if he’s on the opposite side of the world.

GC (Google Chrome) FTW!! I NEVER have problems!

Night there

Server backups were running :stuck_out_tongue: Whenever the CPU load is a bit high (aka compressing gigs and gigs of data) it does that, it only does it once a week so it’s not that bad.

Server backups were running :stuck_out_tongue: Whenever the CPU load is a bit high (aka compressing gigs and gigs of data) it does that, it only does it once a week so it’s not that bad.

Founded in 2004, became one of the first online communities dedicated to Valve’s Source engine development. It is more famously known for the formation of Black Mesa: Source under the 'Leakfree Modification Team' handle in September 2004.