Make a small change to a game's title - what is it about now?

Limbo - How far down can you get, before your bottom hits the ground?

The Talon Principle - Control the alpha-male (or alpha-female) of a pack of reanimated velociraptors which escape from a mad-scientist’s menagerie. You must survive by tackling easy prey until the opportunity for revenge presents itself. But watch out, guards and fellow specimens might also be hunting you!

Risk of Pain - This epic action-sidescroller-bullet hell is renowned not only for having no save-mechanism, but also features one-hit death.

Mace Engineers - Develop melee weapons to be used in gladiatorial combat. Iteratively learn how to design weapons to overcome armor, stagger foes, and not injure the hands which wield them. (Challenge your friends’ designs in new head-to-head mode.)

Undertail - Have you ever wanted to play a dating simulator featuring human-livestock relations, but found your options scarce? Well look no further! Features 16 beasts of burden to choose from.

Meta Man - Side-scrolling self-referential platformer, shooting down all the conventions of side-scrolling platformers.

The Hitcher - Hitch rides through all of eastern europe and Siberia, drink lots of vodka and squat in your adidas tracksuit while waiting for a ride.

Zone of the Benders- Barhopping simulator where you seek to get yourself as wasted as possible without passing out and visiting as many different bars as possible. Also, you occasionally hallucinate young children piloting gigantic mecha.

Allen: Isolation - You work on a starship by yourself as a mechanic, fittingly named Alan. Get everything fixed up and try not to go stir-crazy.

Watch Cats - Pet supervision simulator. Features a working smartphone and a text-driven series of subplots.

Black Cerveza - As Donal Trump, your being elected president failed to resonate with the minorities and a cascade of illegal aliens are attacking the white(only) house.
run, shoot, live.

Legend of Grimlock - as a party of 1 - 4 Dinobots, escape a labyrinthine Decepticon prison in this grid-based first-person action-RPG

System Clock - after accidentally being rolled back to an older build, a military artificial intelligence encounters the Year 2038 Problem and goes haywire, deciding the world must be reverted to the state it was in on 13th December 1901. Battle hordes of robots and crazy people, then try turning that computer off (but not on again) ¯_(ツ)_/¯

I encounter the year 2038 problem in MS Excel. That game System Clock is so plausible IRL that it’s scary.

Rice of the Tomb Raider - Explore the most dangerous places in the world in your quest to find the perfect rice for your dinner date.

The Bongest Journey - Teenager April Ryan has to cross worlds and walk like a really long way to get some damn munchies, man

Fear Esther - The memory of an abusive spouse haunts a delusional old man. No matter where he runs, her phantom will chase him.

Best one I’ve seen in this thread. You, Fnork, win the internet.

The First of Us - The player is the first to settle on an uninhabited world, and must work to make a small living space, food supply, and a landing area to permit further settlers to arrive. Not all is as it seems…


A children’s strategy game in which you have to put things in order from last to first.

Founded in 2004, became one of the first online communities dedicated to Valve’s Source engine development. It is more famously known for the formation of Black Mesa: Source under the 'Leakfree Modification Team' handle in September 2004.