Made a new HEV Playermodel

This is something that I wanted to do for a while, but never had the skills to do (technically I still don’t, really). This took about 2-3 days to rig. It’s still kinda rough around the edges, but it ain’t bad considering that this is the first time I’ve ever tried weight painting.
Have a before and after:

(btw is there a way to thumbnail images?)
Since I don’t have a compatible helmet to go along with the design, I decided to go with the FCS Scientist head (got 'em here.) I also tried fitting a Gordon Freeman head onto it (though it is still very broken):

Also, as an added bonus, I noticed that there is a back panel on the suit’s model. So I thought I’d be pretty neato if it functioned as a way of connecting external hardware to the suit:

The only real issues I can see in this model is that the mid section/lower waist rigging needs improvement (I refuse to make the torso piece anything but rigid).

If anybody’s interested in it, then I’ll release it, though I’d prefer to clean it up a bit more before that happens. PM me if you have any advice on weight painting things in Blender (this is literally my first time)!

I like old suit model. New suit looks like retextured suit from hl2. I prefer to improve old suit

Also the color of new suit looks like yellou but not orange

Best suit model in my opinion

Это женская версия.

I’m sorry that you feel this way. But I’m not gonna improve the old suit model or re-rig the suit model that you suggested (no offense, I like that model too). Also, please try not to multi-post.

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Founded in 2004, became one of the first online communities dedicated to Valve’s Source engine development. It is more famously known for the formation of Black Mesa: Source under the 'Leakfree Modification Team' handle in September 2004.