Lulzsec = Ballsack
I thought it was p.clear that these guys are just a bunch of wankers.
No, We all need a government. But this doesn’t mean that governments are good people.
In other hand, Sometime discussing about politics make other problems. Maybe the only way to grow a country is letting governments do what they want. Exactly what china people do now. Dont ask. No criticism.
Why is this thread attracting so many idiots?
EDIT: inb4 hurr durr ur one of them
No need for hurpa durpa at all, one can simply use the word irony and it’s derivatives :retard:
dude. there are several countries without guns. instead they use knives. I really don’t see a problem with banning guns. The weapons will just change but knives are less effective than guns.
your reasoning is flawed. and I’m lazy. goodbye.
Sooo, I guess we should jsut move this thread to the massdebating hall?
I guess you’re not the one making decisions.
Hehe, Gargantuae.
On topic: I really want to see how mad all the different intelligence and investigation/law enforcement organizations around the world get. I want to see how they deal with these guys as well.
The funny part is their whole “AntiSec” operation will increase internet tyranny, not decrease it.
EDIT: Also, this thread radiates political incompetency.
I don’t think governments will react visibly. At least the FBI won’t. I mean if they haven’t yet they aren’t going to. They will just deal with it quietly.
Their names and a bunch of chat logs started being released.
Looks like the war didn’t last long. And here I was hoping for something big to happen.
This is more disappointing than the Cold War.
All they had were a bunch of pre-coded tools. Did you honestly think this would lead to something major?
I had more important things to do than to research a group of morons. So I was not aware of the tools at their disposal. Good day, sir.