Launch Maintenance (9/7/2012)

Thank you so much and good luck. See you on the other side.

I offer my sincere condolences to the server on the day of release.

All kidding aside, we might not be a fanbase as huge as D3, but you can be sure we will click the shit out of it @8:47AM, and if it doesn’t load right away, we will F5 the shit out of it. Good luck! :smiley:

New member, long time lurker.

So, does this mean the download can be a torrent?
That way it will take off pressure on the servers.

Just a small question: aren’t torrents illegal?

No, the Bit Torrent system itself is legal but it can be used for illegal distribution of files.

Torrents are legal if you have permission from the copyright owner to seed the file.

No, he fucking wouldn’t

Yep. Torrents are completely legal in and of themselves. Like anything legal, however, it can be misused.

i’ll be seeding the torrent with my 100mb/s server for quite a while, my own thank you to the devs for this awesome project

Torrents are as legal as any other download. However : its illegal to download copyrighted material, regardless of whether it’s a regular download or a torrent.

Can’t teleport to Xen because it hasn’t been finished yet. You should know that. :slight_smile:

I’m teleporting to Half Life 1 xen after I finish BM Part 1. For the LULZ!

We now have the new server and we are now in the process of setting it up. We expect the move will occur sometime this weekend either Saturday or Sunday.

Here’s hoping to as smooth a transition as possible!

I installed a test copy of the forums on the new server and everything seemed to be working smoothly :slight_smile:

Glad to hear that! :smiley:

Got a suggestion here… If you guys have multiple download mirrors listed, you should randomize what order people see them in. That way the first on the list won’t get slammed the hardest just for being first. However, if you just have one link and it grabs from one of the two servers, then this is irrelevant and I wish those servers the best of luck.

We will have a few HTTP mirrors, a CDN, and as far as I know, a torrent file for downloading.

I just wanted to tell you, “Good luck. We’re all counting on you.”

Oh, well if you’ve got a CDN then I am not worried at all.

Edit: Holy Shit! Just realized that Greg Galiffa works for GN. Small world. He went to my high school. 2 years ahead of me.

I don’t know what kind of stuff you have planned, but with that cgi setup, you’re looking to have the launch pad bogged down in a matter of seconds.

Aside from that: Holy shit you guys are taking this launch to epic proportions, setting it all up to go off without a hitch. I hope it goes super-smooth. Glad to hear there’s (hopefully) a torrent, one means I know to be semi-reliable with my current connection.

Founded in 2004, became one of the first online communities dedicated to Valve’s Source engine development. It is more famously known for the formation of Black Mesa: Source under the 'Leakfree Modification Team' handle in September 2004.